Monday, July 6, 2009

Thing # 7

I spent way too much time here, or then again, maybe I'll use these tools the most. I had been introduced to Google Docs earlier this year and have shared information with other library professionals through our filling in information for each other regarding our separate districts. I will continue to use it and encourage students to use it for projects they have to work on at home and at school.

The Google Gadgets are terrific, but I cluttered my iGoogle page with them and had to revise. The iGoogle page is something I'll continue to use, too, and to encourage students to use.

A friend shared photos of our spring-break trip to Europe with everyone on the trip through Picasa. Similar to other photo-sharing sites, it is a place I'll return to when I can download some pictures and experiment.

I downloaded Google Earth on my home computer but must spend more time learning to use it efficiently. Will have to return to it, too, because I know multi-disciplinary classes can take advantage of what it has to offer.


  1. Yes all the gadgets for the I-google page are tempting...and does require one to clean house eventually! :-) I was putting some many fun things, I couldn't get to the important stuff!

  2. Google Earth is awesome on a SmartBoard or ActivBoard. Our kids just WOW'ed when we left TX and took a trip to the artic using Google Earth. Keep are doing great!

  3. I found myself spending too much time playing around with all of the iGoogle gadgets as well.
