Sunday, July 26, 2009

Thing # 8

I set up my Google Reader account and have some RSS feeds now. I feel that this will be something to make sure all my teachers know about, too.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Thing # 7

I spent way too much time here, or then again, maybe I'll use these tools the most. I had been introduced to Google Docs earlier this year and have shared information with other library professionals through our filling in information for each other regarding our separate districts. I will continue to use it and encourage students to use it for projects they have to work on at home and at school.

The Google Gadgets are terrific, but I cluttered my iGoogle page with them and had to revise. The iGoogle page is something I'll continue to use, too, and to encourage students to use.

A friend shared photos of our spring-break trip to Europe with everyone on the trip through Picasa. Similar to other photo-sharing sites, it is a place I'll return to when I can download some pictures and experiment.

I downloaded Google Earth on my home computer but must spend more time learning to use it efficiently. Will have to return to it, too, because I know multi-disciplinary classes can take advantage of what it has to offer.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Thing # 6

Mashups I have heard of and seen examples of, but this is the first time I have experimented with them -- and the possibilities seem endless. I really like the mappr and mosaic, but I spent the most time on postcards. I'm thinking of ways to suggest that my teachers can use them, but I don't have a great project yet. I made a card of my son as "A Man of Mystery." Maybe we could do something with literary figures? It's coming.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Thing # 5

I am excited about the possibilities of using Flickr with classes. There are ways to enhance projects, allow for creativity, and to teach copyright at the same time. I chose the picture simply because I am from "sheep country" and collect sheep (the inanimate kind). The topics that would fit with library projects run the gamut, so anything would work!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Thing # 2

The hardest part of the 7 1/2 things -- for me -- setting real, attainable goals.
The easiest part -- taking responsibility for my own learning.

Thing # 3

Lifelong learners -- want to be one (think I am one), want to help create them. That's why I'm learning as much as I can about Web 2.0!